Gina Rossi
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Member Since: 2006

Professional Bio
Gina Rossi is full-time professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (Faculty of Psychological & Educational Sciences, and Faculty of Law & Criminology). She has an Msc Clinical Psychology, a Master of Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences and defended her PhD in Psychological Sciences in 2004. She is head of the VUB Personality and Psychopathology research group. Her major research line focuses on conceptualization, assessment and treatment of personality disorders and psychopathology across the life span and she is specialized in geropsychology. Her expertise is internationally recognized (e.g., associate editor of “Assessment” and consulting editor of “Journal of Personality Assessment”. She promotes a Research and Teaching Chair “Clinical Geropsychology” (Mondriaan Netherlands – VUB), chairs the VUB-UG Research Alliance group “Psychopathology and Information Processing in Older Adults” and co-promotes the Interdisciplinary Research Program “The Gerontopole Brussels”. She is also member of the multidisciplinary Expert panel Personality in Older Adults (EPO, Belgium-Netherlands), Society for Personality Assessment (SPA), European and International Society for the Study on Personality Disorders (ESSPD and ISSPD) and Royal Academy of Belgium: National Committee of Psychological Sciences. An overview of her publications can be found on Gina Rossi - Google Scholar
Parent: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2 3C245, PE-PSYC Brussel 1050 Belgium

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