SPA Mid-Career Scholar Award 

The SPA Mid-Career Scholar Award is bestowed annually for outstanding mid-career impact and scholarship in the field of personality assessment. The award honors scholars who are 15-25 years beyond their graduate degree and whose work has contributed substantially to the body of knowledge to the field of personality assessment and psychology test development. 

Meet the SPA Mid-Career Award Winner, Dr. Leonard J. Simms!

Leonard J. Simms, Ph.D., studies psychiatric classification, personality disorders, psychological assessment, and the translation of advanced psychometric models to clinical practice.  Dr. Simms serves as Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University at Buffalo.  He holds a BS degree in Psychology from California Polytechnic State University and MA and PhD degrees in Clinical Psychology from the University of Iowa.  He has over 100 professional publications and a strong record of extramural funding for his research, serves as Editor-in-Chief of Assessment, is active in a number of professional societies, including the Society for Personality Assessment (SPA), and has previously been awarded the Samuel J. and Anne G. Beck Award from SPA.  

SPA Mid-Career Award Winners

  • Leonard J. Simms

    Leonard J. Simms

    SUNY at Buffalo


  • Martin Sellbom

    Martin Sellbom

    Professor, Monash University


  • Christopher J. Hopwood

    Christopher J. Hopwood

    Professor of Personality Psychology, University of Zurich
