Elections & Nominations
Board Nominations Open Now–April 30, 2025!
For the 2025 Election cycle, the following positions are open (please click on position title to see a job description of position, including qualifications, duties, and estimated time commitments):
If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please feel free to reach out to Dr. Jill Clemence, SPA Past President and Chair of the Leadership Development Committee, or Nathan Victoria, SPA Executive Director, through email at ajillclemence@rrmc.org or nvictoria@personality.org.
Our Candidate Leadership Guide provides details about the responsibilities, expectations, and time commitment, as well as the competencies, experience, and expertise we are seeking in our Board members. Individuals who possess the competencies, experience, and expertise identified in the guide are highly encouraged to self-nominate.
Download Candidate Leadership Guide
The work of the SPA Board of Directors is guided by the 2022-2027 Strategic Framework. Although the specific strategies selected each year will vary and are determined at the Fall Board Retreat, all candidates must be familiar with the Framework and should have experience related to some aspects of the Strategic Framework.
Download 2022-2027 Strategic Framework