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Advancements in Measuring Criterion A of the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (1.5 CEs)
The Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD; APA, 2013) Criterion A describes...
Critical Moments-Capitalizing on Therapeutic Opportunities during Collaborative Assessment (1.5 CEs)
BACKGROUND & PURPOSE: The effort to bring about meaningful positive change is one of the more...
2022 Annual Update on Experimental and Neurophysiological Rorschach Research
This session aims at providing an update on recent research conducted using an...
Applied and Empirical Perspectives on Personality and the COVID-19 Pandemic (2 CEs)
In addition to increased mortality risk and the general dangers posed to physical...
Multimethod Assessment of PTSD in Psychological Injury Evaluations (1.5 CEs)
The presenters in this symposium will describe an evidence-based, multi-method approach to the...
“¿Me entiendes?” - The Complexity of Assessing Bilingual Youth with Trauma (1.25 CEs)
Our symposium demonstrates the importance of language when assessing bilingual latinx...
"Ghost in the Graveyard! Run, run run!" - Discovering hiding places by using the TCTS (1.5 CEs)
While the Thurston Cradock Test of Shame (TCTS) can be used with children, teens and...
"The Indispensable Flame" - Hope as Healing in Collaborative Therapeutic Assessment (1.5 CEs)
SPA’s 2021 convention theme is Advancing Standards in Personality Assessment....
A Window into Hikikomori, an Increasingly Global Syndrome of Shutting Out Society (1.5 CEs)
This case discussion presents a classic case of hikikomori in a male adolescent in Japan. The...
Clinical assessment of interpersonal dynamics (1.5 CEs)
The focus of this symposium is the clinical assessment of interpersonal dynamics. Asan and Pincus...
Curious About Being a "Mindhunter"? Pathways to Forensic Psychology (1.5 CEs)
Do you love assessment? Curious about the range of professional options in the forensic realm? If...
Development of Measures to Assess the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) (1.5 CEs)
The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) consortium has proposed an alternative,...