Content Advisory Committee
We invite you to join the newly formed Content Advisory Committee! SPA is accepting applications to fill 9 committee positions now through September 12, 2022. The committee objectives and additional information can be found below. If you have any questions, please contact Nathan Victoria at
Application Deadline EXTENDED to September 12, 2022!
Committee Objective
In an effort to increase member engagement and SPA's online presence, we have created the Content Advisory Committee. This committee will assist with identifying and producing content for the SPA Blog and SPA's social media, as well as oversee the selection process for the Editor of the Exchange Newsletter. It will be comprised of up to 9 individuals that have a diverse background in the field. Members on the Content Advisory Committee are ineligible to be the Exchange editor while in service of this committee.
SPA Blog
The SPA Blog will be an area that will touch on a variety of topics that are relevant to the industry, but these blogs will be on the shorter side maxing out at 2000 words. They will be able to give a high-level overview of the topic. We will start with a call for blog posts and encourage those not selected for the Exchange Newsletter to consider turning their article into a blog post touching on the most important key points. The Content Advisory Committee will also be in charge of editing these blog posts if necessary.
Twitter Articles
The committee will be in charge of finding one article every two weeks that is either relevant to the field and/or may be of importance/benefit to the SPA membership.
Exchange Editor(s)
The editor(s) will be selected by the Content Advisory Committee after we open a call for applications. The editor(s) will serve a minimum of one issue and will be in charge of selecting the writers, editing articles, and the overall issue format. SPA Staff will be assisting on the production side of things, while the editor(s) will serve as the content expert.
Committee Composition
This Committee will be comprised of up to 9 individuals with a diverse background in the field. The terms will vary between 1-3 years of service, applicants will have the option to select how long they are willing to serve when they submit their application.
Time Commitment
While hard to estimate, on average, we expect no more than 3-5 hours of meetings and outside work per month. Having said that, the goals the committee sets for itself may necessitate a larger time commitment. All meetings will be virtual and will occur through Zoom.