DEISJ Resources
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2023 | 2022 | 2021
Webinars | Presentations | Research Grant Winners
- Therapeutic Assessment with Children: A Brief Intervention to Address the Current Mental Health Crisis in Children and Families
- Assessing Multicultural Bipolar Disorder: Challenges, Implications, and Solutions
- Culturally Responsive Personality Assessment
- Cultural Mistrust and Psychological Assessment: A Nuance Look at Paranoia Scores
- Psychological Assessment of Racial and Cultural Trauma
- SPAGS Presents: From Supervision to Classrooms: Where Do We Go When Conversations on Diversity go Awry?
- Advocacy within Psychological Assessment: Addressing Client Concerns and Challenging Beliefs of Clinicians and Systems
- From Assessment Coursework to Clinical Work: The Intricacies of Graduate Assessment Training
- Use of Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) with Diverse Populations: Exploring Trainee Psychologists' Experiences
- Interpersonal Valence of Ethnocultural Empathy
- Assessing Personality Pathology
- Integrating Multicultural Competencies and Social Justice into Assessment through Use of the Wright-Constantine Structural Cultural Interview
- You're Invalid? A Case Discussion Highlighting the Complications When Diversity, Identity, Cognitive Decompensation, and Validity Measures Collide
- Disambiguating the "Right Voice" from the "White Voice" When Teaching Report Writing
- Predictive Invariance of a Measure of Perfectionism Across Race When Predicting Mistake Rumination
- Intersecting Identities: Masculine Gender Norm Values and MMPI-3 Pathology Endorsement
- Measurement Invariance Across Sexual and Gender Identity for the Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale
Use of Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) with Diverse Populations: Exploring Trainee Psychologists' Experience
Casey Lee | Duquesne University
Presentations | Poster Award Winner | Dissertation Grant Winners
The Elephant in the Room: Whiteness in Psychology and Law
Antoinette Kavanaugh | Feinberg School of Medicine
"Me entiendes?": The Complexity of Assessing Bilingual Youth with Trauma
- Assessing the Functions of Language: Language as a Tool to Create New Connections and to Distance from the Past | Catherine Anicama, PhD
- Regulating with Language: Using Bilingual Therapeutic Collaborative Assessment to Support a Parent-Child Relationship | Vanessa Shafa, PhD
Utilization of a Culturally Focused Semi-Structured Interview (WCSCI) in Clinical Assessment Training: Input from Trainees , Supervisors, and Clients
- The Wright-Constantine Structured Interview (WCSCI) | A. Jordan Wright, PhD
- Using a Culturally Focused Interview in Assessment Training: Client Feedback and Lessons Learned | Emily Crew & Manizeh Raza
Using Network Analysis to Understand Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorder Across Race/Ethnicity in a Justice-Involved Sample
Sarah Hernandez | Sam Houston State University
Jared Ruchensky | Sam Houston State University
SPAGS Presents- Blended Families: Cultivating a Culturally Inclusive Approach to Supervision and Mentorship
JoAnna Molina |
Callie Jowers |
Intergrated Papers: Varied Papers- International & Multi-Ethnic Studies
- Exploring Potential Ethnic Bias among MMPI-3 Scales in Assessing Personality Psychopathology
- Nicole Shumaker | Sam Houston State University
- Tessa Long | Sam Houston State University
- Andy Torres | The University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley
- Frances Morales | The University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley
- Alfonso Mercado | The University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley
- Ryan Marek | Sam Houston State University
- Jaime Anderson | Sam Houston State University
- Measurement Invariance of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire across China, Hong Kong, and the United States
- Leila Z. Wu | Pennsylvania State University
- Natalia Van Doren | Pennsylvania State University
- Jose A. Soto | Pennsylvania State University
- Multi-National Evaluation of the Measurement Invariance of the Level of Personality Functioning Scale - Brief Form 2.0: Comparison of Student and Community Samples Across Seven Countries
- Adam Natoli | Sam Houston State University
- Bo Bach | Slagelse Psychiatric Hospital
- Yann Le Corff | Université de Sherbrooke
- Marianne Cottin Arredonde | Universidad de Chile
- Emanuela S. Gritti | Università di Pardova
- Joost Hutsebaut | De Viersprong National Institute of Personality Disorders
- Nishtha Lamba | Middlesex University Dubai
- Johannes Zimmermann | Universität Kassel
- Translation, Adoption and Validation of the LPFS-BF 2.0 and PID5BF+ M for Assessing PD Criterion A and B in Spanish Speaking Chilean Population
- Marianne Cottin | Universidad Finis Terrae
- Cristobal Hernández | Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
- Antonia Muzard | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Alex Behn | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Integrated Papers: Varied Papers: Personality Disorders in Sexual Minoritiesm and Psychopathy/Dark Triad
- Psychopathy Testing Bias in Sexual Orientation Minorities: A Slope-Intecept Bias Approach
- Kelci C. Davis | Sam Houston State University
- Jaime Anderson | Sam Houston State University
Dependency and Detachment Across Culture and Context: Contrasting Relationship Profile Test Score in Taiwanese and American Participants
Ting-Yun Tseng | Adelphi University
Robert F. Bornstein | Adelphi University
Multi-Method and Contextual, Diversity-Sensitive Methods in Assessment
A. Jordan Wright | New York University
Hadas Pade | Alliant International University - San Francisco
Following Ethical Standards, Testing Standards, and Practice Guidelines in Psychological Testing in a Diverse Cultural World
Lisa Suzuki | New York University
Radhika Krishnamurthy | Florida Institute of Technology
A. Jordan Wright | New York University
Diversity Poster Award Winners
Dependency and Detachment Across Culture and Context: Contrasting Relationship Profile Test Scores in Taiwanese and American Participants
Ting-Yun Tseng | Adelphi University
Robert F. Bornstein | Adelphi University
An Examination of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) Profiles of International Saudi Arabian College Students
Emily Leonard | Florida Institute of Technology
The Influence of Native Language on Thematic Apperception Test Assessment of Defenses in International Spanish-Speaking College Students
Ilena Perez-Palen | Florida Institute of Technology
Personality, Acculturation, and Religious Beliefs and Practices: A Comparative Study of Characteristics Associated to Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Services Among Hmong Americas and Non-Hmong Populations
Ethan Xiong | University of Detroit Mercy
Presentations | Dissertation Grant Winners | Student Research Grant Winners
- Shifting Cultural Lenses in Psychological Assessment: Integrating both Clinical and Statistical Approaches
- Assessment of Diverse and Minority Populations: Considerations in Personality Assessment Training
- English Language Learners, Monolingualism, and Bilingualism in Assessment Graduate Training
- English Speaking Student Working with Bilingual Client
- Bilingual Student Working with English Speaking Client
- Bilingual Student Working with Bilingual Client
- A Psychometric Comparison of the US Spanish and English MMPI-3
- Assessment Supervision within a Multicultural Context: Fostering Thinking Space for Supervisees and Supervisors
Assessing LGBTQ+ Community Connectedness, Positive Identity, and Mental Health Outcomes in Sexual Minority Emerging Adults
Alana Fondren | University of North Texas
Student Research Grant Winners
Psychopathy Testing Bias in Sexual Orientation Minorities: A Slope-Intercept Bias Approach
Kelci Davis | Sam Houston State University
Impact of Culture on Interpersonal Dependency Scored: A Comparison of Second-Generation Taiwanese Immigrants and American Adults
Tingyun Tseng | Adelphi University