Awards & Recognition Committee Deadline

Monday, July 29, 2024
Category: Deadlines
Apply to Join the Committee by July 29th!

Apply now and be part of a committee that ensures fairness, objectivity, and upholds our values. You will have the opportunity to review nominations, select recipients, and propose new SPA awards. 

The majority of this work is during the selection period between August and October. Outside of selecting the awards, there may be conference calls or other meetings, which should be no more than 1-3 hours of meetings and outside work per month. All meetings will be virtual and will occur through Zoom.

For more information on the responsibilities, please click here. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to either the SPA Executive Director, Nathan Victoria at or the Awards & Recognition Chair, Len Simms at

Tentative Timeline

  • Call for Award Committee Members – July 29th
  • Call for Award Nominations Deadline – September 5th
  • Receive Applications for Review – September 6th
  • Receive Reviews from Committee – September 23rd

Please keep in mind that as a part of this committee you will become ineligible to apply for any of the following awards. 

  • Bruno Klopfer Award
  • John E. Exner Award
  • Samuel J. and Anne G. Beck Early Career Award
  • SPA Mid-Career Scholar Award
  • Mary S. Cerney Student Paper Award
  • Distinguished Service & Contribution to Personality Assessment Award
  • John R. Graham Award for Distinguished Mentorship in Personality Assessment

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