Call for JPA Special Issue Papers: Applications of Personality Assessment to Traumatic Stress

Thursday, October 31, 2024
Category: Deadlines
Special Issue Editors

• Matthew M. Yalch, Ph.D.

• Katie C. Lewis, Ph.D.


There are arguably very few areas of clinical practice for which personality assessment is irrelevant. However, one area in which personality assessment is simultaneously very relevant and potentially underutilized is that of trauma. Although there is a rich literature on the assessment of PTSD and of traumatic stress more generally (which in many cases has included broadband measures of personality and psychopathology such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Personality Assessment Inventory), there is much less written about the empirical overlap between specific aspects of personality assessment and trauma, as well as how best to implement personality assessment with trauma survivors in practice.

We aim to address these gaps in the literature in this special issue, for which we invite papers that offer novel approaches to studying the overlap between personality assessment and trauma, including (but perhaps not limited to) empirical articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and high-quality clinical case studies that meet the journal’s requirements (see JPA’s Aims and Scope; see also Sellbom, 2019). The goal of this special issue is to highlight the most recent scholarly thinking on applying personality assessment to the area of trauma with the hope that personality assessment will become more common (even routine) in the future.

Abstract proposals (max 300 words) for candidate manuscripts should be emailed to, with “Applications of Personality Assessment to Traumatic Stress Special Issue” in the subject line, by October 31, 2024. Based on an initial evaluation of the proposal, authors may be invited to submit complete manuscripts via the journal’s manuscript submission portal by June 30, 2025. Those manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and acceptance for publication is not guaranteed as articles will be expected to meet the typical standards for the journal.


Sellbom, M. (2019). Inaugural Editorial: A Vision for the Journal of Personality Assessment for the Next 5 Years. Journal of Personality Assessment, 101(1), 1-3.

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