Call for Proposal Reviewers Deadline

Monday, October 7, 2024
Category: Deadlines

SPA is again looking for volunteers of all professional levels to review program submissions for our upcoming 2025 SPA Convention and Workshops in Denver, CO. Consider giving some of your expertise and time to ensure the quality of our program sessions. Please note, attendance at the convention is not required to volunteer as a reviewer.

New this year, there will be two review periods. The first review period is for Papers, Symposia, Roundtables, and Case Discussions.

  • October 7: Deadline for Reviewer Application
  • October 11: Programs Assigned to Reviewers Selected
  • October 24: Deadline for Program Reviews to be Submitted

The second review period is for Posters.

  • October 7: Deadline for Reviewer Application
  • November 12: Programs Assigned to Reviewers Selected
  • November 22: Deadline for Program Reviews to be Submitted

Apply Here