E-Learning Center
"Ghost is the Graveyard! Run, Run, Run!" - Discovering Hiding Places of Defenses by Using the TCTS
"The Indispensable Flame" - Hope as Healing in Collaborative Therapeutic Assessment
"¿Me Entiendes? - The Complexity of Assessing Bilingual Youth with Trauma
2022 Annual Update on Experimental and Neurophysiological Rorschach Research
2023 Annual Update on Experimental and Neurophysiological Rorschach Research
A Window into Hikikomori, an Increasingly Global Syndrome of Shutting Out Society
Addressing Client Concerns and Challenging Beliefs of Clinicians and Systems
Advancements in Measuring Criterion A of the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD)
Advancing Personality Assessment - The Hermeneutic Approach
Advancing the Concept of Applicability of the Treatment Utility of Clinical Assessment
Am I Getting It Right for You? - A Psychodynamic Assessment Case Study
An Unscripted Discussion Between Supervisors & Supervisees About Experience in Supervision
Applied and Empirical Perspectives on Personality and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Assessing Personality Pathology
Assessment of Adolescents and Young Adults with Emerging Symptoms
Assessment of Diverse and Minority Populations - Considerations in Personality Assessment Training
Characterizing Models of Psychopathology Using the Interpersonal Circumplex
Clinical Advances with Social Cognition & Object Relations Scale-Global Method (SCORS-G)
Clinical Assessments of Interpersonal Dynamics
Clinical Issues in Family Court Evaluations
Collaborative & Interdisciplinary Assessments of Latin American Patients with Complex Comorbidities
Complications when Diversity, Identity, Cognitive Decompensation, & Validity Collide
Conceptualizing and Assessing Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
Contemporary Integrative Interpersonal Theory - Integrating Structure, Dynamics, Temporal Scale
Conversations on the Past, Present, & Future of the Personality Assessment Inventory
Critical Moments - Capitalizing on Therapeutic Opportunities during Collaborative Assessment
Cultural Mistrust and Psychological Assessment - A Nuanced Look at Paranoia Scores
Culturally Responsive Personality Assessment
Curious About Being a "Mindhunter"? Pathways to Forensic Psychology
Deconstructing Psychosis and its Assessment with Relevant R-PAS Measures
Development of Measures to Assess the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP)
Developmental Considerations in Multimethod Personality Assessment
Disambiguating the "Right" Voice from the "White" Voice when Teaching Report Writing
Diverse Methods of Measuring Personality Functioning - Four Distinct Methods
Emerging Research with the Rorschach Performance Assessment System
English Language Learners, Monolingualism, and Bilingualism in Assessment Graduate Training
Evidence on the Comparative Reliability, Validity, or Utility of Rorschach Systems
Experimental and Neurophysiological Rorschach Research
From Assessment Coursework to Clinical Work - Intricacies of Graduate Assessment Training
From Supervision to Classrooms - Where Do We Go When Conversations on Diversity Go Awry?
ICD-11 Model and Instruments for Dimensional Assessment of Personality Disorder
Integrating Multicultural Competencies and Social Justice into Assessment
Integrating Narrative-Rated & Respondent Self-Report to Clarify Facets of Functioning
Legal Admissibility of the Rorschach and R-PAS - A Review of Research, Practice, and Case Law
MacCAT-CA, ECST-R, and Competence Assessment for Defendants with Mental Retardation
Malingering Research - A Multi-Method Perspective
Model, Measures, and Methods of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP)
Multimethod Assessment of PTSD in Psychological Injury Evaluations
Novel Measurement of Personality Dynamics Using Intensive Longitudinal Design
Personality Assessment via Telehealth - Keeping Up with the Times
Personality Assessment in Legal Contexts - A Special Issue of the JPA Overview
Psychological Assessment for Treatment - The Values Dimension
Psychological Assessment of Racial and Cultural Trauma
Rorschach Markers of Emotional Distress and Dysregulation
R-PAS Administration Errors by Clinical Psychology Graduate Students - Recommendations
School Threat Assessment - An Evidence-Based Violence Prevention Strategy
Shifting Cultural Lenses in Psychological Assessment - Integrating Clinical/ Statistical Approaches
SIRS-2 - Use and Admissibility in Forensic Mental Health Assessment
Tele-Assessment of Personality & Psychopathology - Challenges, Roadblocks, & Collaborative Solutions
Test-Retest Considerations with the Rorschach Test
The Affective Context of Interpersonal Behavior
The Development of Personality Pathology - Implications for Assessment
The Elephant in the Room - Whiteness in Psychology and Law
The Millon Instruments - MCMI-IV and MACI-II in Legal Settings
The Need to Feel Alive - Different Faces of Depression in Young Offenders
The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) in U.S. Case Law - An Examination of Relevance
The Utility of the Trauma Symptom Inventory as a Primary and Secondary Assessment Instrument
Understanding Relationship Between Personality/Visual Information on the Rorschach and Human Faces
Using Ecological Momentary Assessment to Evaluate Personality Constructs
Using Repeated Measurements to Therapeutically Assess Clients Over Time
Using R-PAS in Legal Settings - Three Case Studies
Using MMPI-3 in Legal Settings
Using the Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent (PAI-A) in Legal Settings
Utilization of a Culturally Focused Semi-Structured Interview in Clinical Assessment Training
Violence Risk Assessment with the HCR-20V3 in Legal Contexts - A Critical Reflection
Walking a Fine Line - Talking with Clients About Attachment
Who are the Game Changers? Why We Need to Study Leadership in Adolescence
Working with the Personality Disorders - A How-to Guide and Case Discussion
The Society for Personality Assessment (SPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Society for Personality Assessment is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0218.