January 2023 | Newsletter Updates
SPA Convention | Rorschachiana Call for Papers | AP-LS Practice Committee Award | ISR Bulletin | CS-R and Supplementary Scales Training | Community Events & News | Job Postings
2023 SPA Convention
Click here to view abstracts for all sessions being presented at the 2023 SPA Convention in Austin, TX! Register to attend in-person or virtual.
P.S. IF you applied for a scholarship, all notifications were sent out on December 19th. Please check your spam folders if you applied and have not received a notification.
Rorschachiana: Journal of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods - Call for Papers
Special Issue: The Use of the Rorschach to Enhance Diagnostic Systems
Guest Editor: Prof. Radhika Krishnamurthy | Florida Institute of Technology
The Editorial Board of Rorschachiana is calling for submissions on the use of the Rorschach to enhance diagnostic systems. This special issue will include Rorschach-related concepts/scores and their connection to psychopathology (e.g., concurrent validity of Rorschach scores), the incremental value of Rorschach assessment over diagnoses based on self-report and observer-report, and case studies illustrating the role of the Rorschach in disentangling complicated diagnostic issues. Authors are especially encouraged to submit papers that report on the underlying dynamics, expressed behaviors, and self-attributions of a particular disorder, as well as papers that describe the results of a multimethod assessment with a particular focus on Rorschach data to ultimately provide a contextualized, integrated, comprehensive case study description for the disorder being assessed.
Deadline of Proposals : January 31, 2023
Deadline of Full Papers : September 1, 2023
Click Here for More Information
AP-LS Practice Committee Award
The AP-LS Practice Committee wants to recognize the substantive contributions of practitioner mentors who educate and support emerging clinicians in psychology and the law with a lens toward the elimination of REC disparities and social justice. . The recipient will receive a $500.00 cash award. Self-nominations are encouraged. Candidates do not have to be AP-LS members. Nomination packages are due by January 15, 2022, and should be emailed to the chair of the award subcommittee, Dr. Lara Guzmán-Hosta at award.practice.apls@gmail.com.
To be eligible for the award, individuals must have a doctoral degree (Ph.D., Psy.D., Ed.D.), self-identify as a predominantly practicing forensic psychologist (about 75% of their work) and have a track record of excellence conducting mentorship of emerging forensic practitioners. Namely, the mentorship of graduate students, postdoctoral trainees, or early career professionals preparing for a career in direct service provision.
For more details about the application process, please visit this link or go to apadivisions.org/division-41/awards/racial-disparities-mentoring
ISR Bulletin
The Official Newsletter from the International Society of the Rorschach and Projective Methods has been released. If you haven't see it yet, this is your chance. Click the button below to access the newsletter.
CS-R and Supplementary Scales Training
June 9 & 10, 2023 in Helsinki (Finland)
November 10, 17, & 30, 2023 (Online)
This training opportunity is available to members of SPA and psychologists working with the CS and/or R-PAS who want to learn about the CS-R, the new scoring program CHESSSS 2 that goes with it, and the empirically validated Supplementary Scales, which one can use to enhance the scope of Rorschach assessment.
Participants can register to the full training, or only to one of these two parts. For additional information please click button below.
Community Events & News
Exner Comprehensive System-Revised® (CS-R): The Exner Comprehensive System® (2003) has recently been updated to the Exner Comprehensive System-Revised® (CS-R; Exner, Fontan, & Andronikof, 2022) in partnership with the International Rorschach Institute (IRI; rorschach-institute.org). The new workbooks and a new summary blank are available to purchase through Rorschach Workshops at rorschachworkshops.com. The three-set bundle includes a new Administration and Coding Manual, Interpretation and Technical Manual, and a Supplementary Scales Handbook (can be purchased individually if desired). All these items replace the previous Exner system versions, and it is highly encouraged use these versions in clinical and academic settings. Student discounts are available!
Exciting new changes include updated administration and coding guidelines, new location maps, advanced coding exercises, an updated approach to interpretation and normative goals. The Supplemental Scales Handbook provides information on scoring the Rorschach Oral Dependency Scale, Rorschach Defense Scales, the Extended Aggression Scores, and the new Gacono Aggression Cluster (GAC) to name a few all by leading Rorschach authors.
Additionally, a new scoring program, CHESSSS-2© will be available shortly to help score and compare to national norms (see rorschach-institute.org for more information). If you have any questions, please reach out to Andrea Priddy at info@rorschachworkshops.com or Patrick Fontan at contact@rorschach-institute.org
- Event: ISSPD is excited to announce that their Early Bird Registration is now open for the ISSPD 2023 Congress that will take place 1st-3rd November 2023 at SMC, Sydney. The Congress will be an opportunity for world leading researchers and master clinicians to share their knowledge, students to engage with more senior colleagues and showcase their research and careers, and consumers to engage with the clinical and research world. For more information, click here.
- Event: XXIV Congress of the International Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods- Join ISR for their Congress July 9-12, 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark. For more information, please visit rorschachcph2024.dk.
- Assessment Throwdown: View the Assessment Throwdown 2022 Case Here. For the Live Event, Click Here.
- Discount: Never used personality assessment inventories for sell at discounted price. For more information, contact Jamee Nicoletti. Test names and pricing can be found below.
Beck Suicidal Ideation Manual + 22 forms
HTP - Kit + 23 Forms
MMPI - Adolescent - 1 test booklet, 2 Forms, Manual (Admin, Supplemental, Interpretation)
MMPI-2 Manual, Reading Grid, 9 Booklets
MMPI-2 Qlocal Forms 25 x 3 unopened + 20
MMPI-2 Reading Grid
White Noise Sound Machine
Therapy Practice Essentials Book
- Editoral Fellowships for Early Career Professionals: Many APA journals offer editorial fellowship programs for early-career psychologists from historically excluded groups. These programs seek to elevate leadership opportunities in research and publishing for members of communities that have been historically underserved. Fellowships are open to individuals who have completed their education/training and are no more than 10 years postdoctoral. Candidates may hold a position at the rank of assistant professor (or equivalent, such as a research scientist). Visit the APA Journals webpage for details on qualifications, responsibilities, and how to apply. Click here to explore fellowship opportunities.