
Industry Memoriam Newsletter Public Statements & Positions

Sip & Share: Bridging Your Experience with the Pros in the Know
Sip & Share: Bridging Your Experience with the Pros in the Know

New this year, we are piloting a program called Sip & Share: Bridging Your Experience with the Pros in the Know. This is an opportunity for our students and early career members to network and connect with SPA leaders and long-time members. The matching of pairs will occur on Saturday, March... Continue Reading

Date posted03/22/2025

Support the 1938 IMPACT
Support the 1938 IMPACT

Since our founding in 1938, both past and present members of the Society for Personality Assessmenthave left an impact on the field of personality assessment through the service given, the funds donated, the awards conferred, and the content presented. When you give to the 1938 IMPACT, our... Continue Reading

Date posted12/20/2022