July 2024 | Newsletter Updates


Board NominationsWebinar  | SPA ConventionCommunity Events & News | Job Postings 

Call for Board Nominations 

The SPA Leadership Development Committee has opened the call for the open Board of Trustees positions for the 2024 election. This year, we're searching for (2) Representatives-at-Large who will serve from 2025-2027. All active SPA members with interest to lead should apply for this position. Please note, a nomination is NOT a requirement to apply. 

Submit Your Application by July 7, 2024!

Apply Here

July Webinar 

Using the PAI Structural Summary to Facilitate Collaborative Assessment  

July 9th | 10:00am - 11:30am ET | 1.5 CE

FREE for SPA Members

Presenter: Dr. Chris Hopwood | University of Zurich 

The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is one of the most commonly used multi-scale measures of personality and psychopathology in clinical practice, and collaborative assessment is one of the most powerful ways to use measures like the PAI to achieve positive clinical outcomes. The PAI structural summary organizes scales in a way that focuses attention on certain kinds of clinically-relevant issues that are often directly related to client concerns, such as self-concept, interpersonal style, behavioral risks, and perceptual tendencies. In this presentation, Chris Hopwood will present the structural summary as a model for organizing PAI scales in such a way that facilitates collaborative assessment.

Register Here

Convention Update

Convention recordings have been released! You will have until July 31, 2024 to watch sessions you might have missed at the convention and complete the quizzes to earn continuing education credits. Please make sure you're logged into your convention profile otherwise the recording will not be available. 

Deadline is July 31, 2024!

Access Web App Here

Community Events & News 

  • Training: A virtual training sequence for the Crisi Wartegg System (CWS) will begin in September! The CWS is an empirically validated and standardized methodology (administration, scoring, interpretation) for the clinical use of the Wartegg Drawing Completion Test (WDCT)—an easy, efficient, and non-overwhelming performance-based personality measure that can be completed in 5-10 minutes and is appropriate across the lifespan. The CWS is recognized as a valid performance-based personality test that can be used for certification in Therapeutic Assessment.  The Level 1 workshop focuses on history and statistical foundations, reviews standardized administration procedures, and builds proficiency in the normative scoring system. Following completion of Level 1, clinicians are able to independently administer the test with clients but require consultation for accurate scoring and interpretation.  Levels 2 and 3 of the training sequence are described within this flyer.  Online registration can be made athttps://sc-cca-com.3dcartstores.com/.
  • Event: The Symptom Validity Assessment (SVA) Conference will be held in Italy October 10- 11, 2024. This conference is organized for everyone with an interest in the latest research and state-of-the-art clinical practice of symptom and performance validity assessment. For more information, click here.
  • Survey on MMPI-3 and Forensic Assessment:  We need your expertise for a research study on psychological assessment and MMPI interpretation. Your insights will help advance our understanding of how test scores are interpreted across different contexts.

    It will take less than 5 minutes of your time to respond to a few brief questions. Your contribution is invaluable to our research efforts!

    Plus, we're excited to announce that the survey is available in multiple languages to ensure inclusivity and accessibility.

    Interested in participating? Click here to access the survey

    Your participation will make a significant difference in shaping the future of psychological assessment. Thank you for your support!
    Emre Akca, Irena Boskovic, Luciano Giromini, Paul Ingram, Martin Sellbom, et al.
  • Event: Award Presentation: Queering Psychological Assessment (1 CE)- The Psychological Assessment Section of the Society for Clinical Psychology (Division 12) Presents the 2024 Distinguished Contribution to Assessment Psychology Award to A. Jordan Wright PhD, ABAP. ABPP on Friday, September 20th at 12pm ET. More information coming soon! 
  • Event: The International Society for the Rorschach invites SPA members to attend the XXIV Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark from July 9-12, 2024.  Along with the Program  there are numerous Pre-Congress workshops featuring such topics as the Rorschach in: psychological trauma (Barton Evans and Nancy Kaser-Boyd), assessment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (James Kleiger & Ali Khadivi), neuropsychological assessment with the Rorschach (Emiliano Muzio), and many others. https://rorschachcph2024.dk/en/pre-congress-workshops.  The Program is similarly rich https://rorschachcph2024.dk/en/
  • Training: You're invited to a 2-day (Helsinki) and 4 half-day (Zoom) Training and Update for CS Experts. The Rorschach Comprehensive System- Revised (CS-R) and Supplementary Scales training May 23-24 and October 10,17, 24 & November 7, 2024. Click here for more information.

Job Posting

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