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Advancing the Concept of Applicability of the Treatment Utility of Clinical Assessment (1 CE)

Utilizing the article “When and How Assessment Matters: An Update on the Treatment Utility of Clinical Assessment (TUCA)” as a starting point, this interactive plenary will provide attendees the opportunity to think about how to advance and study the Treatment Utility of Clinical Assessment (TUCA; or the extent to which clinical assessment enhances subsequent treatment benefits for patients), and what this might mean for SPA. Following a brief introduction lecture, a subsequent panel discussion will engage the membership in thinking about concrete ways how the SPA community might advance this concept and its practice. With defining TUCA and then communicating its value as a strategic focus for the 2023 calendar year, we encourage all research teams interested in applying for the Treatment Utility of Clinical Assessment grant to attend and contribute to this plenary. Please see the (adapted) public significance statement of the article below for more information: Public Significance Statement: The degree to which clinical assessment has treatment utility , i.e, the extent to which clinical assessment enhances subsequent treatment benefits for patients has long been controversial. We suggest specifying and examining more closely the conditions under which assessment can—or cannot—contribute to treatment process and ultimately patient benefit. Clear thinking about this important topic can contribute to improved research as well as more efficient practice of clinical assessment. We distinguish direct and indirect benefits of assessment and advocate the implementation of some form of stepped assessment in clinical practice.
Goals and Objectives
  1. Describe some necessary conditions for meaningful research on the treatment utility of assessment.
  2. Explain the difference between direct and indirect utility of clinical assessment.
  3. Critique the quality of extant studies on the utility of clinical assessment.
  4. Design and plan research on the utility or impact of assessment.

Jan Kamphuis | University of Amsterdam

Arjen Noordhof | University of Amsterdam

Christopher Hopwood | University of Zurich

Non-Member Price: $109
Member Price: $49