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Assessing Psychotic Spectrum Disorders Using C/TA (1 CE)

In this grand rounds presentation, Drs Taknint and Depestre will discuss their use of C/TA in assessing for and communicating psychotic spectrum disorder (PSD) diagnoses with patients. They will overview challenges in PSD assessment, outline the alignment of C/TA with recovery oriented approaches for psychosis, and detail how to use C/TA techniques to co-create an anti-oppressive assessment experience when caring for patients with severe mental illness. The speakers will use 3 case studies to illustrate their approach.

Presenter: Dr. Joelle Taknint & Dr. Sohenga Depestre

Learning Objectives:

At the conclusion of the presentation, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify current challenges in assessment of psychotic spectrum disorders
  • Provide examples of how to employ C/TA techniques to create an anti-oppressive assessment for patients with severe mental illness
  • Identify how C/TA can be used to repair relationships with the healthcare system for patients with psychotic spectrum disorders

The Society for Personality Assessment (SPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Society for Personality Assessment is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0218. 

Non-Member Price: $49
Member Price: $0