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Using the PAI Structural Summary to Facilitate Collaborative Assessment


The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is one of the most commonly used multiscale measures of personality and psychopathology in clinical practice, and collaborative assessment is one of the most powerful ways to use measures like the PAI to achieve positive clinical outcomes. The PAI structural summary organizes scales in a way that focuses attention on certain kinds of clinically-relevant issues that are often directly related to client concerns, such as self-concept, interpersonal style, behavioral risks, and perceptual tendencies. In this presentation, Chris Hopwood will present the structural summary as a model for organizing PAI scales in such a way that facilitates collaborative assessment. 


After attending this webinar attendees will be able to:

  1. Enumerate key configurations of PAI scales in the structural summary
  2. Demonstrate how to use PAI structural summary to facilitate collaborative assessment using case examples

Chris Hopwood | University of Zurich

Non-Member Price: $49
Member Price: $0